![VC : visionary courseel : energy literacyef : engineering foundationir : independent researchmn : minerva courseen : entrepreneurshipesp : english for specific purposesrc : residential collegemot : management of techologycurriculum[advanced energy engineering]phd course : eai em gm he ectmaster course : fundamental + intensive courses[career path]mot[research]- global research- graduate capstone- open seminarsenior, junior, sopho-more, fresh-man[energy engineering (vc - EL - Capstone)]KEN-Caps.2KEN-Caps.1, EL8IR, EL7EL5, EL6EL3, EL4EL1, EL2VC4, VC5VC1, VC2VC,3[Engineering Foundation , HASS + Entrepreneurship]EF-Free, EN2EF5, EN1EF4, HASS-FreeEF3, MN4EF2, MN3EF1, MN2MN1ESPKENTECH ESP CertificationLEVEL4LEVEL3LEVEL2LEVEL1Placement TestRCColloquiumLiterature ReadingStudent Club - community building + student initiatives](/resources/AD/front/img/design/img-character1.jpg)
Course List
Level | Track | Title | Abstract |
EL1 | Energy AI | Programming ("Hello, World!": dive into the computer world) |
This course is designed to provide a hands-on experience in computer programming. Students will be accustomed to writing computer program codes. A variety of engineering problems will be used as programming practice examples for enhancing problem-solving skills. In addition to basic programming methodology, data abstraction, algorithms, and complexity analysis will be dealt with in the course. |
EL1 | Energy Materials and Devices | Introduction of materials science (Fundamental materials science for applications) |
This course provides an overview of the fundamentals of material science, covering wide range of materials in various forms, bonding arrangements, crystal structures, phases, properties and also provides a brief overview on basic techniques to analyze material’s properties. The course also introduces applications of various materials used in modern energy & environmental devices. |
EL1 | Grid Modernization | Introduction to electric energy systems (The story of electric power) |
This course provides an overview of the fundamentals of electric energy system. The course also introduce research areas for Grid Modernization Track. Students will do projects on basic theory of power systems. |
EL1 | Hydrogen Energy | Hydrogen energy thermodynamics (Energy Travel accompanying enthalpy) |
Since James Watt's commercialization of the steam engine, much of science and engineering effort has focused on how to efficiently convert energy. A typical example is a device that converts thermal energy into work energy. In order to properly understand these energy conversion devices, basic knowledge of thermodynamics is required to understand the flow of energy and express it quantitatively. In this course, you will learn about the basic knowledge of energy flow and calculation using the concept of enthalpy, and evaluate the energy flow and efficiency in energy converters around us. |
EL1 | Environmental and Climate Technology | Physical chemistry I (Macroscopic properties of chemical matters and reactions) |
Chemical reactions, catalysis, and separations processes critical in various fields of study depend on enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs free energy. Solution properties and chemical and physical equilibrium must be understood to understand biochemistry and control the chemistry of the paper making wet end. |
Level | Track | Title | Abstract |
EL2 | Energy AI | Mathematical foundation of computer science (Ignite your mathematical and computational thinking) |
EL2 | Energy Materials and Devices | Fundamental of electric circuits (Electric circuit: mathematical foundation of electric energy system) |
EL2 | Grid Modernization | Electromagnetism (The space of electromagnetic waves) |
Human beings have been living in the world consisting of mixture of tremendous electromagnetic waves, simply light. Electromagnetic waves enables us to commnicate with others in remote place. Who knows... you might be able to link up extraterrastrial by chance. Looking into the development history of electromagnetism will give us a new motivation to become a travler into deeper space. Let's have a peek at the achievement of Michael Faraday,James Clerk Maxwell, Oliver Heaviside, Heinrich Hertz, and etc... |
EL2 | Hydrogen Energy | Hydrogen energy physical chemistry (If we understand chemical behavior in the view point of physics) |
How can the laws of physics explain the chemical properties and behavior of substances? In this subject, you will learn the properties and characteristics of particles that make up atoms, the behavior of molecules, and the relationship between the characteristics and behaviors of substances composed of molecules. In particular, basic knowledge of thermodynamics, which deals with the characteristics of heat and chemical energy, and kinetics to understand how fast chemical reactions occur, and basic knowledge of quantum mechanics to understand the behavior of nuclei and electrons constituting atoms. In addition, you will learn a statistical approach to how the behavior of nuclei and electrons is related to the conversion of heat and chemical energy and the rate of chemical reactions that we can see with the naked eye. |
EL2 | Environmental and Climate Technology | Basic principles and calculations in chemical engineering (Quantitative calculations in chemical engineering) |
The objective of this subject is to understand basic concepts and knowledge on chemical engineering and process. Student will be learned how to write mass and energy balance, to draw process flow diagram with detailed labelling, and to solve balance equation. |
Level | Track | Title | Abstract |
EL3 | Energy AI | Data structure (Don't you need your own data type? ) |
EL3 | Energy Materials and Devices | Engineering of organic electronics (Organic electronic materials for the avengers) |
EL3 | Grid Modernization | Electronic circuits (Electronic circuits in real life) |
Power systems can be assumed as large electric circuits. To analyze and operate power system, basic circuit theory should be learned first. In this course, students can learn electric circuit theory in joyful manner based on the projects. |
EL3 | Hydrogen Energy | Hydrogen energy basics (Invitation to the world of hydrogen energy) |
This lecture is a hydrogen energy-related liberal arts lecture for students who are interested in energy as well as students who choose a major related to hydrogen energy. In order to realize a future carbon emission neutrality and hydrogen energy society, it is necessary to expand green hydrogen without greenhouse gas emission. In addition, it is expected that blue hydrogen can solve the role of an intermediate bridge until green hydrogen is fully commercialized. Therefore, in this lecture, starting from two hydrogen production methods, storage & transportation technologies, and utilization technologies, it was conceived with the goal of providing an overview of the hydrogen energy-related life cycle technologies and the basic education content for the hydrogen energy major track. |
EL3 | Environmental and Climate Technology | Inorganic chemistry (Design principles in inorganic chemistry) |
Inorganic materials are is the molecules or chemicals consisted of the several elements except carbon. In this course, we will study the structures and properties of inorganics to select higher efficiency of the functions of inorganics for the application in environmentals and climate change technology based on the chemcal reaction process in the asepct of thermodynamics and kinetics. |
Level | Track | Title | Abstract |
EL4 | Energy AI | Introduction to machine learning (Let's learn how to train a machine) |
EL4 | Energy Materials and Devices | Electrochemistry (The energy world driven by electrochemistry) |
EL4 | Grid Modernization | Data analysis and visualization (Show me your data!) |
This course will cover how to infer important information from data, and efficiently visualize it. The course will mainly use network analysis and Python language. |
EL4 | Hydrogen Energy | Organic polymer chemistry (Essential organic polymers for energy conversion) |
EL4 | Environmental and Climate Technology | Organic chemistry (Design principles in organic synthesis) |
All of the organic reactions can be classified into nucleophilic and elextrophilic reactions. Based on the structures and chemical bonding properties, organic reactions should be different. During this course, we will study on the basic concept of atoms and molecules, orbitals, structures and nomenclatures of organic molecules with different functional groups. |
Level | Track | Title | Abstract |
EL5 | Energy AI | Introduction to deep learning (Towards human-like machine intelligence) |
EL5 | Energy Materials and Devices | Principle of material analysis (Sixth Sense: another ability beyond human sense to see essentials of materials) |
EL5 | Grid Modernization | Control and system engineering (How to make things work at your will) |
For stable operation of electric machine and electronic devices, appropriate control scheme is required. In this course, basic knowledge for control theory will be provided. Students can experience actual application of control theory via the projects. |
EL5 | Hydrogen Energy | Hydrogen energy transport phenomena (Awesome balance in heat and mass transfer) |
When two hot and cold objects are in contact, heat is transferred from the hot object to the cold object. When an ink droplet falls into the water, the ink spreads through the water particles. Also, when you pour hot coffee over ice, the ice melts and the water and coffee mix in a beautiful shape. In this lecture, students study the basic knowledge to scientifically and mathematically express the above-mentioned heat transfer and material transfer phenomena, and design, manufacture, and drive objects related to heat and material transfer among objects used in real life. By watching, we want to clearly understand the concepts of heat and mass transfer and develop practical design capabilities. |
EL5 | Environmental and Climate Technology | Physical chemistry II (Molecular level properties of chemical matters and reactions) |
Based on the molecular structure according to the kinds of atoms and their arrangement, the chemical and physical properties of matters will be different. From the nanostucture to macro structure, the chemical and physical properties will be illuminated by the quantun confined structre and statisitcal methods. All of these approaches will be studied based on the parameters for the chemical reactions on how and why it can have favorable chemical reaction process through thermodynamics and kinetic aspects. |
Level | Track | Title | Abstract |
EL6 | Energy AI | System programming (BYOS: build your own system) |
EL6 | Energy Materials and Devices | Design of electrochemical applications (E-Mobility prototype design & assembly project) |
EL6 | Grid Modernization | Electronic circuit engineering (Let us design a smart phone) |
Nowadays, not only electronic device such as smart phone, but large scale power system exploit power semiconductor-based facilities to integrate renewable energy. To understand philosophy for modern power system, circuit based on electronic devices should be learned. In this course, students can learn electronic circuit engineering based on actual practice. |
EL6 | Hydrogen Energy | Hydrogen energy reaction engineering (From chemical reaction to reactor design) |
A chemical reaction refers to the conversion of a substance (reactant) into substances (products) with different properties, either on its own or through interactions with other substances. These chemical reactions are also used to produce hydrogen from natural gas, to produce ammonia from hydrogen, and to decompose hydrogen from ammonia. In this course, you will learn basic theoretical knowledge about reactions such as reaction rate, reaction route, and complex reaction that you need to know to utilize a wide range of chemical reactions, as well as determine reactor design and reaction conditions along with knowledge such as diffusion and heat transfer. In addition, you can directly experience the knowledge you have learned in theory through experiments and write an experiment report, so you can learn how the reaction actually occurs and how it can be manipulated. |
EL6 | Environmental and Climate Technology | Transport phenomena (Engineering analysis of heat and mass transfer) |
Transport Phenomena is the subject which deals with the movement of different physical quantities in any engineering process and describes the basic principles and laws of transport. Transport in an engineering process can be classified into three types including momentum, energy, and mass transport. This course will cover these three type of transport phenomena in detail. |
Level | Track | Title | Abstract |
EL7 | Energy AI | Computer architecture (What are the nuts and bolts of computer?) |
EL7 | Energy Materials and Devices | Semiconductors for informational technology (Semiconductors, enabling technology for IT revolution) |
EL7 | Grid Modernization | Power system engineering (Let there be light ) |
In this course, students can learn basic principles of power system. Based on circuit theory, students can analyze three-phase power system after this course. Several projects related with power system design and operation will be provided. |
EL7 | Hydrogen Energy | Hydrogen energy electrochemistry (Material change by the movement of electrons) |
What are the future energy-related industries that are receiving the most attention right now? At first glance, it seems that most secondary batteries, fuel cells, bio, green hydrogen, etc. can be said. This field of science and technology is developing based on the study of electron transfer between electrodes and materials called electrochemistry. Not only in the cells of living things, but also in the chemical change of all substances, the electron exchange reaction takes place, and you will learn how to understand these basic phenomena and how to apply them in real life. |
EL7 | Environmental and Climate Technology | Environmental science (Global environmental crisis) |
The global community is paying more and more attentions to environmental problems than ever since many serious environmental issues have global impacts such as climate change, air quality deterioration, water shortage, and ubiquitous and persistent micropollutants and microplastics. This course aims to introduce the complex global environmental problems and the underlying energy-environment nexus. The physicochemical processes and phenomena that are related with the environmental problems will be introduced and discussed. The topics covered in the course include atmospheric science and global warming, aquatic chemistry and redox processes, and various energy-environment nexus issues. |
Level | Track | Title | Abstract |
EL8 | Energy AI | Computing system (Delve into the computing system) |
EL8 | Energy Materials and Devices | Nanoengineering (Tiny, but great world- nanomaterials for energy technology) |
EL8 | Grid Modernization | Electric machines (Do you know how to make electricity?) |
Electric machines are significant components of power system. To understand power grid, operational philosophy and modeling of electric machines should be firstly investigated. This course provides lecture on basic theory on electric machines. After the course, students can know modeling and control of electric machines |
EL8 | Hydrogen Energy | Energy process simulation and applied thermodynamics (The shortcut to becoming a hydrogen process engineer with thermodynamics application) |
This lecture focuses on the theory of various cycles based on the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, and thermodynamic analysis and application techniques. The applied technology field focuses on cryogenic liquefaction technology directly related to the hydrogen energy field, but the power cycle for driving the liquefaction cycle will also be dealt with in more detail in this lecture. This lecture begins with a cooling cycle using the Joule-Thomson effect invented by German engineer Carl von Linde, the father of liquefaction and refrigeration technology, and performance analysis and efficiency of a more complex and highly technical cryogenic cycle. , and cultivate thermodynamic design ability to maximize this efficiency. In addition, by learning about general relations of thermodynamics, gas mixture combustion theory, gas flow, etc., the thermodynamic application and analysis ability of a heat engine will be improved. In addition, this lecture understands the unit operation knowledge of major equipment constituting the hydrogen process system, and cultivates process simulation and control, and optimization analysis capabilities. As a shortcut to becoming a hydrogen process engineer, you will develop your core competency to become a hydrogen process engineer by indirectly experiencing the actual hydrogen plant operation situation using Aspen Hysys, a general-purpose chemical process simulator. In this lecture, you will learn the basic usage of the chemical process simulator and the ability to apply it to the hydrogen liquefaction system as a team, so you will be able to approach one step faster as a hydrogen process engineer. |
EL8 | Environmental and Climate Technology | Environmental microorganism (Environmental microorganism & applied biotechnology) |
This course provides fundamentals and applications on environmental biotechnology including principles of microorganisms (mainly bacteria) to better understand "implication of life on us and nature" in the climate-changing period. At the end of the course, you will be well prepared to comprehend and carry out leading-edge biotechnology and related practice in the nexus of environment, economy and human life. |
Level | Track | Title | Abstract |
EL9 | Energy AI | CS/AI applications to energy technology | |
EL9 | Energy Materials and Devices | Engineering of photovoltaics (Eco-friendly solar cells to protect the earth |
EL9 | Grid Modernization | Semiconductor simulations (Do it yourself: a semiconductor) |
Fabricating a semiconductor requires a huge amount of money to build state-of-the-art facilities. On top of the huge foundry, a lot of highly trained engineers and operators have to closely cooperate. For this reason, doing an even very small-sized experiment is not that easy. However, here is a simply way to move the facotry into your personal computer. Semiconductor simulation tools will enable you to carry out lots of experiments in a short time. Indeed, thanks to the previous engineers' effort to mathematically model their experimental results, the simulation tools based on the models now produce very reliable results. |
EL9 | Hydrogen Energy | Instrumentation and analysis (How to invite nature to digital world) |
Science/engineering experiments and research, including energy engineering, can be said to begin with expressing the state of natural phenomena in scientific terms. For example, how strong the wind blows is expressed as wind speed, and hot and cold is expressed as temperature. There are basic values such as mass, length, and time, and various expression methods that combine them. Sensors and instruments are needed to express the state of natural phenomena numerically. For example, a thermometer is used to measure temperature, and a series of conversion processes are required to display the body temperature in digital numbers in an easy-to-understand manner on the electronic thermometer. In this lecture, you will learn the principles of various measurement methods and analysis techniques used in energy engineering experiments, and develop the ability to actually perform measurement/analysis through practice. |
EL9 | Environmental and Climate Technology | Catalysis, electrochemistry, & instrumental analysis (Catalysis and interface engineering for sustainability) |
To get high efficiency catalytic reaction, the structure and properties of the catalysts should be illuminated. The function of catalysts is to lower activation energy of chemical or electrochemical reactions. To have such a function, catalysts must have interaction with reactants to make complex to activate reactant and lower transition state energy of rate detrmining step. The reaction occurring on the electrode surface is electrochemistry. The energy barrier of the interface between electrode and electrolyte, mass transfer, impedance of constituent parts will be studied in the electrochemical reaction aspect. To illuminate the catalystic and electrochemical reaction processes, instrument analysis including IR, Raman, ESR, UV-Vis, NMR, etc. will be studied in this course. |
Level | Track | Title | Abstract |
EL10 | Energy AI | CS/AI research project | |
EL10 | Energy Materials and Devices | Engineering of battery (Next generation battery inquiry project) |
EL10 | Grid Modernization | Power electronics (Becoming a power alchemist) |
Modern power system depends mainly on power electronic technologies. To integrate DC-based resources into AC power grid, power converters are used. In this course, students will learn operation philosophy and control of grid-connected converter. |
EL10 | Hydrogen Energy | Combustion engineering (First love between fuel and oxidant) |
When prehistoric humans discovered fire, it was used as a means of cooking food, heating, and protecting the body from attack by animals. Also, it is not an exaggeration to say that we have achieved the material civilization we enjoy today by using fossil fuels as an energy source. However, it is undeniable that CO2 and pollutants generated during the combustion of fossil fuels have destroyed the environment. Future energy use should be developed in a way that avoids the burning of these fossil fuels as much as possible, but the essential part should be the use of environmentally friendly combustion technologies as much as possible. In this lecture, you will learn about various types of fuel, basic knowledge to understand combustion, and various eco-friendly combustion methods applied to each field, and develop basic competencies to understand combustion and develop an eco-friendly combustion system through practice. |
EL10 | Environmental and Climate Technology | Reaction/process design and control (Sustainable reaction/process design and control) |
The aim of the course is to design chemical reaction processes based on obtained overall knowledge from Environmental and Climate Technology. Attendant students will be understood how to use the principles behind the chemical reactions and processes, including mole balance, conversion, and rate laws for chemical reaction processes. |
Level | Track | Title | Abstract |
VC 1 | Energy AI | The Future of AI: Autonomous Driving | The goal of this course is to understand the importance of AI for humanity in terms of autonomous driving. In particular, we provide fundamental knowledge of AI by finding the basic missions and technologies for autonomous driving. |
Energy Materials and Devices | Energy Conversion from Nature | This course will handle the following three main contents (i.e., past, current, and future for carbon neutral technologies): i) class lectures for solar/electro/thermal/bio-induced technologies, ii) group team project for deeper understanding state-of-art of carbon-neutral technology (i.e., recent research and IP trends), and iii) group team project for creating your own research proposal for hybrid carbon-neutral technology. | |
Grid Modernization | Power System Design and Analysis | In this course, you will experience some of the topics you can study and research in the Grid Modernization track. The course will cover two topics: power grid design and complex network analysis. You will experience how the cost of electricity is determined and power grid is designed based on two projects. In addition, you will also experience a new way of analyzing complex data based on complex network analysis. | |
Hydrogen Energy | Hydrogen Value Chain Development | This course is customized for anyone who is willing to learn how to develop green & blue hydrogen value chain with understanding the basics, principles and commercialization of core hydrogen energy value chain technologies | |
Environmental and Climate Technology | Sustainable and carbon-neutral technologies | This course will handle the following three main contents (i.e., past, current, and future for carbon neutral technologies): i) class lectures for solar/electro/thermal/bio-induced technologies, ii) group team project for deeper understanding state-of-art of carbon-neutral technology (i.e., recent research and IP trends), and iii) group team project for creating your own research proposal for hybrid carbon-neutral technology. |
Level | Track | Title | Abstract |
VC 2 | Energy AI | The Future of AI: Autonomous Driving | The goal of this course is to understand the importance of AI for humanity in terms of autonomous driving. In particular, we provide fundamental knowledge of AI by finding the basic missions and technologies for autonomous driving. |
Energy Materials and Devices | TBD | ||
Grid Modernization | Power System Design and Analysis | In this course, you will experience some of the topics you can study and research in the Grid Modernization track. The course will cover two topics: power grid design and complex network analysis. You will experience how the cost of electricity is determined and power grid is designed based on two projects. In addition, you will also experience a new way of analyzing complex data based on complex network analysis. | |
Hydrogen Energy | Hydrogen Value Chain Development | This course is customized for anyone who is willing to learn how to develop green & blue hydrogen value chain with understanding the basics, principles and commercialization of core hydrogen energy value chain technologies | |
Environmental and Climate Technology | Sustainable and carbon-neutral technologies | This course will handle the following three main contents (i.e., past, current, and future for carbon neutral technologies): i) class lectures for solar/electro/thermal/bio-induced technologies, ii) group team project for deeper understanding state-of-art of carbon-neutral technology (i.e., recent research and IP trends), and iii) group team project for creating your own research proposal for hybrid carbon-neutral technology. |
Level | Subject | Title | Abstract |
EF1 | Math | Single Variable Calculus for Engineers | This course will introduce derivatives and integration of single-variable functions emphasizing applications arising in many disciplines; Practicing Investigate-model-solve-presentation processing based on calculus by teamwork; Numerical approaches for finding approximations of root-finding problems, definite integrals, and differential equations; Approximating functions with power series. |
Level | Subject | Title | Abstract |
EF2 | Chemistry | Fundamental of Chemistry | This course will teach students the basic principles of electronic interactions in atoms and molecules, thermodynamics, acid, base, chemical kinetics, and catalysis. The students will develop an intuitive and unified overview of the effect of electronic structure on molecules, including their shapes, equilibrium, and kinetics. |
Level | Title | Abstract |
MN1 | Strategic Learning and Leadership | This course introduces tools and techniques to succeed as a college student and in real-world professional settings. A central focus of the course is on using research from psychological science to develop habits of success both as an individual and as part of diverse social groups. |
Level | Title | Abstract |
MN2 | Applied Creative and Critical Thinking | Logical reasoning, problem solving, and recognizing and mitigating cognitive biases are among the most fundamental skills that facilitate effective work in any area. In this course, we systematically practice these skills, learning to apply them to concrete problems across domains. |
Level | Title | Abstract |
MN3 | Systems and Society | This course focuses on effective engagement in social systems. Students will examine social interaction through the lens of complex systems theory, which provides a powerful framework for understanding human behavior and group dynamics. |
Level | Title | Abstract |
MN4 | Interpretation, Communication, and Design (not finalized) | Interpretation, Communication, and Design builds upon reading, writing and interpretive skills already developed and extends them to the interpretation and production of the visual arts, music, poetry, and moving images, singly and in multimodal and multimedia combinations. |
